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Christina Lhaksmita Anandari (Mita)


Curriculum and Teaching

Mita is currently teaching English skills and content courses at the English Language Education Study Program at Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. She is also teaching Javanese language at the Language Institution of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta.

Her education at Boston University has impacted the way she teach, as indicated in her remarks:
“ Studying at BU has opened my horizon about the teaching learning process curriculum and teaching wise. Indonesian students have always been accustomed to the teacher-centered learning  and now  are introduced with the student -centered learning. However, after studying at BU and learning about the different ways of teaching and the history of the approaches, I realized that many Indonesian schools have not yet understood the basic concept of those learning approaches and as a result, the schools and the teachers applied them without considering their own teaching abilities and the students' learning ability. I have been using many of the theories that I have got at BU and adjust them in accordance with the social and culture condition of the Indonesian schools.”

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