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Ade Jaha Utama Nababan (Jaha)


Educational Media and Technology

Jaha is now working at Surya Institute, an organization established in 2006 with a mission to reform science and math in Indonesia, as National Program Director of Eminent School Development Division. His task is to develop curriculum for the eminent school and manage school account. The current project that he is working on is Career Path to Nobel, which plans path of discipline for students who envision themselves as Indonesian Future Nobel Laureate

Jaha received the Kelly Elizabeth Stephens Memorial Scholarship in 2003 and chose Educational Media and Technology (EM&T) as his field of study. The following is his statement regarding his learning experience at Boston University: “EM&T was a unique program that enabled me to capture neutral point of view of technology adoption in schools. I have been able to come up with win-win solutions for schools, teachers, parents and students when it comes to implementing technology at schools. How EM&T positions itself, I think is brilliant and rare jewel. I have met others who graduated from the same program but from other universities. Most of them are imbalance in their perspective because of attachment to any of the extreme points in the continuum of Educational Technology implementation (i.e.: the technophobic versus the technophile).”

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